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October 31, 2022 2 min read


Equine Gastric Ulcers are more common than you might think! Learn about what causes ulceration, symptoms to look for, and how to effectively manage your horse’s gut health.

What Are Equine Ulcers?

Equine gastric ulcers are sores that form on the stomach lining due to an excess of gastric acid within the horse’s stomach. Ulcers can be very painful and lead to poor performance, behavior, and appetite. They can affect any horse at any age, but occur most frequently in horses that perform athletic activities such as racing, endurance, and showing. Feed management is a large contributing factor to the effects of excess gastric acid. Horses are naturally grazing animals, and as a result their smaller stomachs are intended to have a constant flow of roughage and feed which acts as a buffer against gastric acid. However, many performance horses are housed in boarding facilities that feed 2 to 3 times per day, leaving horses’ stomachs empty for prolonged periods while gastric acid production continues, resulting in an excess. Additionally, during exercise, gastric acid production increases while blood flow to the GI tract decreases. The excess gastric acid is then splashed around in the stomach which can lead to irritation of the stomach lining and eventually ulceration. Add on the stress of competition, travel, or stall confinement, and the likelihood of a horse developing gastric ulcers only increases.


Common Symptoms Of Equine Gastric Ulcers?

Do you suspect your horse could be suffering from gastric ulcers? A few symptoms of ulcers include sour disposition, poor appetite, sensitivity in the girth area,and an unwillingness to work. As ulcers go untreated and become increasingly uncomfortable for your horse they can lead to more obvious behavioral changes like teeth grinding, and cribbing or wind-sucking, as well as a dull or unhealthy coat. With further progression of the ulceration, your horse might experience significant weight loss and can even suffer from a case of colic. It is important to take action if your horse is showing signs of gastric ulcers so that they can be properly treated and your horse’s gut health can be managed post-treatment to prevent future ulceration. Always consult your vet before administering medications or supplements.



What Is GastroPLUS?

GastroPLUS®is a unique, all-natural supplement, developed by T.H.E. Equine Edge to aid in the healing and prevention of gastric ulcers. A proprietary blend of amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, GastroPLUS® is thoughtfully curated to promote lasting gut health, rather than offering a band-aid solution.


How Does GastroPlus Help Prevent And Heal Equine Ulcers?

GastroPLUS® nutritionally supports healthy digestion and gastric issues. Other gastric products decrease the acid in your horse’s stomach, which can lead to protein entropy. When a horse is taken off of the other gastric products, it may relapse because the body over compensates and produces too much acid, turning it into a vicious cycle of gastric problems. GastroPLUS® helps your horse’s own ability to produce more mucus in the stomach lining, therefore helping your horse control and contain the gastric acid. This helps address hind gut issues, in a more effective and efficient way. A scoop a day keeps the ulcers away!